Ari’s powerful keynotes reveal insights from the collective imagination of hundreds of executives about the near future and showcases key technology and innovation trends that are changing the world of commerce. The presentations demonstrate the power of sci-fi prototyping to both imagine the future, as well as to build it.
- Technology and change
- Living In The Exponential Age
- Using Sci-Fi for Competitive Advantage
- Emerging Technologies
- Science-Faction: Tomorrowland is Here Now
- The Power of Sci-Fi Prototyping to Create the Future
About Ari Popper:
Ari Popper is the Founder and CEO of SciFutures, a foresight and innovation house that uses sci-fi prototyping to help their clients create meaningful change in the Exponential Age. SciFutures works in a wide variety of industries with Fortune 500 clients such Visa, Hershey, Ford, Clorox, Lowe’s and VMWare.
Ari has over 20 years’ experience as a marketing, consumer research and innovation executive. He is a passionate sci-fi fan and amateur sci-fi writer who was inspired to start SciFutures during a creative sci-fi writing class at UCLA. He says that: “Science Fiction is powerful tool because it helps businesses understand the human potential of emerging technologies in order to develop human centered strategies that the whole organization can understand and be inspired to rally behind. This provides a significant competitive advantage.”