For aspiring or established speakers seeking my professional evaluation of their speaking endeavors, I offer fee-paid advisory. This is a short term service. For more support, I can recommend organizations that provide intensive and/or ongoing speaking career coaching.
Here’s an interview I gave in 2024 on the business of speaking, relevant to those getting started:
I’ve run Promenade Speakers Bureau for nearly 20 years serving America’s leading corporations, experiential agencies and associations. As a non-exclusive talent broker, I’ve booked hundreds of speakers and vetted thousands more on my client’s behalf. I’ve co-brokered and built relationships with many of the leading celebrity talent agencies worldwide. My thought leadership has been featured across speaking, business and events media: About Us
-We’ll spend 30 or 60 minutes via phone or Zoom, plus about 30 minutes of research of your speaker assets conducted by me in advance. Customized advisory available on request.
-Here’s what we might discuss: your website useability, positioning to different professions, industries, demographics, staff vs leaders, your appeal to bureaus and end clients, proposals, speech topics, bio, videos, virtual and in-person presentation skills, virtual studio, pricing and special offers, your overall strategy.
Pricing – 3 options:
1) 30 minutes on phone or Zoom OR written assessment, based on 30 minutes advance review by me of your related online materials (site, videos, marketing materials): $125.
2) 30 minutes on phone or Zoom PLUS written assessment based on 30 minutes advance review by me of your related online materials (site, videos, marketing materials): $175.
3) 60 minutes on phone or Zoom PLUS written assessment based on 30 minutes advance review by me of your related online materials (site, videos, marketing materials): $225.
Longer time needed for online materials or phone/Zoom consultation will be priced higher than above.
Referrals to related resources such as book ghost writers, speechwriters, speaker listing sites, humor consultants, extended coaching on the business of speaking, literary agents, book publicists, experts to improve your tech savvy and presentation skills, videographers, virtual assistants are also available with extended written assessments at your request.
To set up an appointment, please email Mike Taubleb – mtaubleb (at) promenadespeakers (dot) com
Please note:
-Payments are due upfront electronically or by paper check in the mail.
-No refunds. If need to reschedule, credits applied.
-Please rsvp at 10-20 days ahead to allow us time to evaluate your site and related materials, schedule a call.
-The session should not be used to promote your services to my bureau. Nor to add me to email lists or phone prospecting afterwards.
-Paid advisory holds no assurance we will offer your services to our clients, post your profile on our site or generate bookings. We are simply offering you our professional perspective.
To set up an appointment, please email Mike Taubleb – mtaubleb (at) promenadespeakers (dot) com